Shop Jost Sauer / Herbs and Supplements / Bupleurum & Peony (Sleep)
Bupleurum & Peony (aka Jia Wei Xiao Yao) is a plant-based formula used in Chinese medicine for sleep. It creates a velvety soft pillowy sensation that helps you drift to a deep and peaceful sleep.
It also assists with stress, frustration, anger and PMS. If the liver is out of balance the flow of chi is affected. Where there is stagnation, there is often heat. This can cause sleep problems, anger (like suddenly becoming furious over small things), frustration or PMS symptoms. This formula clears heat (anger often translates as heat) and cools and builds the blood.
Chinese herbal formulas have multi-active ingredients and target a host of interrelated symptoms at once, here are some add-on benefits of Bupleurum & Peony:
* Chai Hu (Rx. Bupleurum) is not recommended for use with Interferon therapy
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