Shop Jost Sauer / Herbs and Supplements / Six Major Herb Combination (Energy)
This is a powerful energy builder, it will lift your mood, give you energy and the holding power to finish your job or your project while staying calm. Ideal formula if you have lots on and need to be productive. It also enhances your cognitive power, it lifts ‘brain fog’ and it will give you the strong focus to succeed. This is the formula you need when you feel run down and exhausted. This is also a great formula if you have ‘cold phlegm’. It opens the chest helping to breathe easier. All Chinese herbal formulas are special blends of four or eight herbs and are positively multi-active. Traditionally used for these symptoms: Fatigue, Brain fog, Indigestion / stomach bloating, Fluid retention, Diarrhoea, Cough, Nausea, Anxiety, Dizziness, Distension and stuffiness in the chest or abdomen.
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