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Clock On To Health
Clock On To Health is a refreshingly entertaining and accessible how-to self-guide for physical and metaphysical health. Discover the simple daily routine that lets your organs do their work; eliminate symptoms and boost health.
Separate chapters introduce each of the 12 organs (of traditional Chinese medicine) as a ‘character’, describe their duties, and reveal the connection between lifestyle, organ health and the development of symptoms. The book outlines simple preventative measures, offers the healthiest diets and the most efficient exercises, and reveals how to organise everything— from snacks to social media to sleep — to make lifestyle the best medicine.
Jost’s unique style of information delivery was developed over ten years spent teaching, inspiring and enthusing students of Chinese medicine; and presenting wildly entertaining talks at massive music festivals, and in corporate workshops. Jost understands that if you make health about fun rather than fear, it will inspire change.
Clock On To Health is underpinned by medicinal knowledge tried and tested over millennia in China. It offers a sustainable way to live that maximises the benefit of all normal day-to-day activities by using time and energy (chi) efficiently. Jost has followed the lifestyle himself for over 30 years and has used it as a therapeutic tool for thousands of clients. It works.
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